Friday, May 11, 2007

About Us

I currently live in Brandon, MS and I just finished my first year of law school at Mississppi College School of Law. Madison, MS is my hometown and I went to undergrad and grad school at Mississippi State University.

Steve grew up in Winona, MS then went to Mississippi State where he graduated in 2004. He currently lives in Pearl, MS and he is working in Madison as the Director of Governmental Affairs at the Mississippi State Medical Association.

Running History:
Well, I ran 4 miles one time - on the treadmill, at 0 incline, in the air conditioning, with two fans blowing on me; but as far as running outside...I can run to the end of my street. Steve ran a mile in 8 minutes once, because I bet him that he couldn't do it. Otherwise, not much history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So proud of you! I know you will do great. Can't wait to see the progress!